Hour of Harvest Newsletter February 2025
Margaret’s Message:
When we think of February, we remember the big day everyone wants a part of – Valentine’s Day. This is a day people allow their emotions to turn toward love and kindness for others. Many share gifts, cards, candy and flowers. Some young people become engaged, others choose to go through with wedding plans. It is a wonderful display of love and affection.
Thinking about true love we are reminded of how much each of us are loved all the time, not just on Valentine’s Day. God so loved the world He gave His only Son to be our only way to Heaven. Think about the cost for God (John 3:16). May we never forget how very much we are loved on a daily basis.
As we show love to others we know God is pleased for God is love.
Bless someone today with a good word or act of kindness. Remember, you are special to our Heavenly Father.
Hour of Harvest Guest List for February:
1 – Harvest Time
3 – House of Prayer Choir
4 – Gloryland Baptist Church
6 – Eugene Madden & the WGB House Band
7 – Ronald & Margie Johns
8 – JJ Marshall & the Servants of God
10 – Lonnie & Edith King
11 – Lee Collins
13 – Helen Lewis Bluegrass Gospel
14 – Calvary Travelers
15 – Shepherd’s Call
17 – The Cains
18 – Neth Jones
20 – The Spencer Boys
21 – Southern Heirs
22 – The Heavenly Heirs
24 – The Webb Family & Friends
25 – Canyon Falls Church
27 – Altro Church of God
28 – Christian Pilgrims
Guests are subject to change. Tune in to WLJC at 7pm-8pm nightly or watch on the web at www.hourofharvest.com. Call in your prayer request or pledge to (606) 464-4250 or (859) 469-7482 or email wljc@wljc.com
Trivia Questions:
Under a Cloud
1. What two long-dead men were with Jesus when a shining cloud covered them?
2. What prophet saw a little cloud like a man’s hand?
3. What epistle talks about a “cloud of witnesses”?
4. At what critical spot did the pillar of cloud separate the Egyptians from the Israelites?
5. What object of the Israelites was notable for having the cloud of God’s glory upon it?
6. What portable object did the cloud of God’s glory appear over?
7. What epistle compares false teachers to clouds that bring no rain?
The Hour of Harvest is such a blessing to me. It had a large part in helping my father-in-law to get saved before he passed away.
Barbara, Jeremiah, KY
We appreciate what you’re doing there to reach others with the word of God. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.
Paul & Beverly, Gays Creek, KY
I really enjoy your program, I watch every night. I would really miss it if it were ever gone. It is my church. God bless you for having this kind of program for us. We all need it.
Ruth, Harrodsburg, KY
In Memory of:
In memory of husband Demp Taylor and son Donald Begley from Carolyn
In memory of parents Ishmael & Lorene Burton from Bernice Elam
In memory of husband Steven Tompkins from Shirley Tompkins
In memory of Leonard Jr. Hays from Lesha Hays
In memory of Bill Emerson from Brenda Emerson
In memory of Don Lovins, Bill & Shannon Kincaid & Elza King from Shirley Richards & Ina Atwood
In memory of husband Bobby Roe from Alene Roe
In memory of husband Marvin Chandler from Georgia Chandler
In memory of Dora & Jesse Sweet from Kathy Wynn
In memory of husband Buel Cantrell from Carolyn Cantrell
In memory of husband Terry Turner from Alice Turner
In memory of Bobby Joe from Brenda Arnett
In memory of wife Leora from Donald Moreland
In memory of mother Delphia Hale & sister Carol Wireman from Juanite Hale
In memory of husband Frank from Reva Fields
In memory of dad, mom, sisters & brothers from Brenda Vaughn
Trivia Answers:
1. Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:5)
2. Elijah (1 Kings 18:44)
3. Hebrews (12:1)
4. By the Red Sea (Exodus 14:20)
5. The tabernacle (Exodus 40:34)
6. The ark of the covenant (Leviticus 16:2)
7. Jude (verse 12)
Connect with Hour of Harvest:
Contact us:
Hour of Harvest
Prayer Line: (606) 464-4250
(859) 469-7482
Office Line:
(606) 464-3600
Website: www.hourofharvest.com
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Mission Statement:
The Hour of Harvest, Inc. is a nonprofit, nondenominational organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The mission of Hour of Harvest is to broadcast the Gospel in song and spoken word to reach as many people as possible for Christ. Hour of Harvest is funded primarily by contributions from viewers like you. All gifts are income tax deductible.
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